Forty Years On
The President address his people

Messages from Hong Kong and Jersey (other low tax jurisdictions are available)

An Absent Friend writes....
A Report from your erstwhile Entertainment Secretary
Really sorry that I cannot be with you to celebrate the Crocs 40th anniversary. I am in the Trossachs just now on my honeymoon (3 not out).
I have so many vivid and wonderful memories of playing for and touring with the Crocs. It was a very special time.
I remember attending the inaugural meetings in 1984. I particularly remember our first end of season dinner which I think was held in an upstairs room at a pub on Fleet Street. Was it the Cheshire Cheese?
I had been invited to say a few words. Some of you may recall that I brought a young lady with me, one of my housemates Dawn. Bubbly, effervescent, earthly but spoken for.
I did fancy her, I’m not going to lie and at the end of the evening we were canoodling as we got off the tube at Finchley Central. Heavy petting on the platform. Well there were no signs prohibiting that.
The following week I was met at the door of the house I shared with 3 girls by Liz Lowe. Liz as I recall had a very wide mouth. She enunciated every syllable when she spoke. She said “Rob’s found out”.
Rob was Dawn’s boyfriend. Big lad. Very big. Rugby player. I could see him sat watching telly in the lounge.
I resigned myself to getting a pasting and went inside. We had 2 settees at right angles with the TV in the opposite corner. I went and sat down on the opposite settee.
Now Rob’s other distinguishing feature was that he had wall eye. This allowed him to keep one eye on the telly and the other eye on me.
It was a very tense situation made doubly tense by the fact that unfolding on television was the final frame of the greatest snooker final ever played. Dennis Taylor won by potting the last black.
I didn’t get attacked but I moved to new digs the following fortnight 😊
My goodness though didn’t we all have such brilliant fun. The Micky taking, the singing, the beautiful grounds we played on, curries, parties…
I can honestly say that being invited to join the Crocs was one of the best things that happened to me in my time in London. What a fantastic bunch of lads and from different walks of life.
I would like to say a very big thank you to Coops for he it was that invited me to become a Croc. And for the hard work put in by all the committee members organising the fixtures, the tours, the various functions. Darryl, JC our illustrious president, Coops of course and others. What a time it was!
Cheers all. Have a wonderful evening.
Chris Brewin AKA The Beast